Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Babysitting with Pa

So two weeks ago when Grandma was in Florida on business and visiting Taija, i got to babysit Emily and Ryan with Pa! We had a ton of fun. We went to the park(and silly Auntie Kate forgot the camera), we watched a movie, and they LOVED playing in Pa's pool room. Emily was good pushing the balls around on the table and Ryan loved running laps around the table. Ryan was also quite the dancer and then his big sis Emily had to show us how beautiful of dancer she is too! It was a fun night!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

It Has Been FOREVER!!!!

To those of you who actually look at my blog i apologize for taking forever to post! Life has been crazy with the holidays and the new house and the new jobs and everything! But, we are good and we are loving our life right now! We just booked our Alaskan Cruise with my parents for May and I am super excited about it!

I am also coaching a club volleyball team - Utah Jrs 17-Red. It has been a crazy and great experience. Our team is pretty amazing and it is so much fun to work with the girls. I hope that we can have a successful season. So far we have gone to the Las Vegas Classic and next weekend we are headed to the Colorado Crossroads tournament in Denver.

The newest thing Scott and I are enjoying is the Wii that we now have! I went a little crazy after we bought it and bought 4 games for it!!!! I never was that into video games (Scott always had his XBox and i never played it) but i love the Wii!!! It is a fun thing to do with other people too. Sometimes in like watching others more than playing it myself. One of the games I bought is a Winter Olympic game so that is fun since the Olympic's are happening right now!

I hope you enjoy the pictures I have posted below :)

Florida Trip (From like months ago!!!)

So, I went to Florida with my mom last fall to visit Justin, Toshi, and Taija! I took quite a few pictures and videos so we here they are! Some of them are of Justin being Justin and being weird :)

Here is Taija in her Big Girl Car Seat!
Here is Dr. Justin Robison in all his awesomeness

The following serious of pictures were taken of Justin by Justin. He was enjoying the different settings on my camera and decided he would catch some of his "looks" on camera in case some modeling agency wants to pick him up as new talent.....

Here are a few more pictures that he took....

Here is a picture of Taija on top of the couch, i learned this is a spot she loves to be! I am trying to post a video of her on top of the couch so we shall see if i get it working...

Here is the video:

House Pictures

So I promised Toshi forever ago that I would post pictures of my house so that she could see it. Well, she has been here now but I figured I could still post pictures for those that have not made it out to my house...

Sorry there are not very many pictures. I took more but they are not very good at showing what you are looking at unless you know our house! I decided I would not make a good realtor since I would not be so good at taking pictures to make places look better than they really are! I do the opposite - I make the places look worse!

Friday, September 25, 2009

So I wanted to put all 700 pictures on here but I narrowed it down to about 60. So I hope you all enjoy them!

More House Pictures

We were told today that our new finish date for the house is Nov. 2nd!!!! I am so excited. I went and took some more pictures of the house last week. I got so excited when I saw that they put the house number up! I tried taking more pictures of the inside but it is kind of hard to get good ones. Once they put like cupboards and other stuff in I will put some good ones up.

I also got very excited when the put up the siding and the brick!! I love our house!

So Em Toone asked me which room was hers in our house and I tried to take a picture of it but this was the best I could do - It is at the top of the stairs and they already but the shower in for her :) Em - you get the bathroom!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Our House!!!!

Scott and I bought a house this summer! We are waiting for them to finish building it. We stop by about twice a week to walk through and "check" everything. Last week we walked through and found they put the wrong tub in the master bathroom. They have removed the tub but it is sitting in our garage now :) Here are some pictures of our house. It is suppose to be completed in mid-November! I am so excited to move in there. I can't wait to have "my own" house! It is a multi-level house that has 4 levels. The bottom two will be unfinished which will be nice so that we can do what we want with it!

This is the front of our house

I love the porch, of course stairs will be added :)

This is the old tub that is now in our garage...

This is the new correct jetted tub!

This is the kitchen and dining room when looking from the cutout that is in the upstairs hallway. The kitchen is closest to where I am standing so you can't see it very well.

This is the back of our house! The top left is a sliding door from the master bedroom that we will eventually build a deck out from!

I was going to try and take pictures of each room but since all that is built so far is the wood framing, and not any sheetrock, it is hard to tell where each of the walls are in the pictures. So, I didn't put any of them up on here but once more of the house gets finished i will keep updating my wonderful blog that my wonderful sis-in-law has told me I need to have :)